Saturday, October 27, 2007

Relax, take it easy...

"Chill ba, e timp!..."

Oarecum adevarat.
There's always time, I'd normally say. Totusi, suntem obligati sa ne incadram intr-un anumit interval...De ce trebuie sa facem totul cat mai repede, acum, atunci...

Ma rog, in alta ordine de idei, voiam sa scriu despre despre timp. Timpul este un subiect prea complicat si de asemenea prea disputat. Timpul sucks, timpul is my worst enemy. I hate this guy called TIME. He's a dork.

I've lost my words. Acum in capusorul meu ideile se joaca de-a v-ati ascunselea. Pana acum, nimeni nu a fost gasit, s-au ascuns prea bine in neant. O sa treaca ceva...timp pana ideile vor iesi la suprafata...

...1, 2, 3...34, 35, 36....77, 78....99, 100!..."

Ah, fuck it. Mai am o groaza de timp sa tot scriu....Next time, pune-le nenica repede in DRAFTS!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Mda. Ma gandeam sa mai scriu. Aveam niste idei mai bune acum ceva timp, dar am uitat sa le notez...asa ca le-am uitat. neinteresant, I know. PEACE.

Uite o poza din vacanta. Poate o sa si scriu despre aceasta vacanta. It was fun! :X Noi stim ce inseamna poza si asta e tot ce conteaza.

Monday, August 6, 2007

We've been on the run, driving in the sun...

So here I am, listening to this sad song, in my opinion: California, the O.C O.S.T. I dunno, I just find the guitar parts rather sorrowful...No, I'm not a big fan, I just watch it sometimes and I like the song.
"Ta na na na nam, ta na na na nam, ta na na na na na nam...."
I never planned to make this blog a diary. I see diaries like a pathetic way of expressing your feelings. Maybe it's just those sloppy ones you see on TV...
Uhh, I'm contradicting myself again! I say I hate a thing, yet I do it, I change my mind quickly...What is this called?


It's funny, I've always felt this gap in my arms and I just have to hold something really tight when I sleep. Yet I always wake up feeling tired cause of my sleeping position....My neck hurts like hell because of that...

Lonely day. Maybe cause it's been raining. Strange, I always find rainy days wonderful. I love everything about rain. Well, maybe not exactly everything, who would enjoy messing up their clothes? I'd love to run in the rain one day...Maybe on the streets of London..
So it's raining...Listen to the sound of the's such a sweet one...You can actually hear time pass.

I was talking about diaries. I still find them ridiculous.....but I am writing this down. Guess everyone needs to put down their emotions, or else they'd explode. I know I would. Perhaps people do so on rainy days...Miraculous rain...

"So live like you mean, love till' you feel it, it's all that we need in our lives". The Goo Goo Dolls. Wonderful lyrics, don't you think? It's actually ALL we need in our lives...

"And hold on before it's too late
Until we leave this behind
Don't fall just be who you are
It's all that we need in our lives".

I also wanted to talk about futility, as well. I'm sick and tired of it. I mean I know that talking about it will only bring me more, but I can't help it! I had enough of shallow people! Jesus, for Heaven's sake, grow up! Get a life!
Those people should realise that their clothes, the make-up or the way they look is not everything...And guess what, the friends that they have, are slightly different! Can't stand the people who care for the appearances and nothing else. I tend to look at a person's soul, the way they are. The way he or she drinks out of a can of Coke or the way they hold a cigar, the way they look at the sky, the way they walk, the way they bite their lips....the little things in life which actually mean something to people like me.
I know this has no sense what so ever. I probably have like 100 mistakes in this senseless text...But if you read between the lines you'll get what I tried to say.

Let's save the world together. And I don't mean wars or drugs [for I think we've lost this one already], just make people see life is so damn precious and so damn beautiful that you should be thanking for it each and every day.

Songs that I listened while typing: Goo Goo Dolls - Before it's too late
Lifehouse - Only One
Phantom Planet - California

Saturday, July 14, 2007


Ever kept drafts in your blog? If so, have you ever wondered why you're keep doing that? Why don't you just post them? Why do you keep them secret, for no one to see? Are they more special, are they more sincere, being your own thoughts?
Maybe...which is why I have decided to add all of my drafts and post them. For me, just unfinished subjects to which I couldn't find the right words to expand...

It's really ironic this is actually saved as a draft. I shall post it later on...

EDIT: Posting my drafts.

Going to stick to it for a while, gives you a warm, happy, fuzzy feeling inside. At least, gives me a warm, happy, fuzzy feeling inside.

Ziggy Marley for now.

No wonder weed is associated with it!
At least, in my mind weed is associated with reaggae.

Mi-am uitat ideea! God si era una buna...oricum, in afara de titlul "de ce ploua", mai era ceva...ceva interesant...

eh probabil asta ma intreb de ce ploua, cum ploua, cand ploua si de ce e asa frumos cand....ploua.

Have you ever woken up feeling a bit taller? A bit...different than the day before?

How long's a second?
How long's a minute?
How long's an eternity?...

What comes to your mind as soon as you say these words? You might think of the aromated smell of coffee, its bittersweet taste or, perhaps, the softness of cream?...
It might be someone's answer to your "What's life all about to you?" question: "Well, coffee and cream!".
And then you'd say: "What are you talking about? You cannot be serious!"
And then comes the response: "Oh yes! I live for coffee and cream!, which means I see life in a simple way! Life's all about coffee and cream, darling...Don't worry about it so much"...

You soon gasp.

"Coffee and cream you say?....Never thought about it that way..."
"You should, dearie, makes you feel a bit...lighter."

Criza pixului Schneider

Va suna aiurea, stiu. Pana la urma, de ce mai postez? Ca sa ma aflu in treaba, ca sa zic ca am si eu un blog; pana la urma se dovedeste a fi doar o incercare patetica.
Nu stiu despre ce sa scriu. Nu gasesc subiectul ala incitant, fraza aia exceptionala, cuvantul ala inteligent. Tot ce scriu se dovedeste a fi expirat sau aiurea, iar despre ce vreau sa scriu s-a mai scris de n ori.
Si pe cine intereseaza ce scriu? Nici macar nu intra nimeni daca nu il pun la status, iar in cazul acesta intra doar persoanele carora le "sugerez" sa citeasca...Iar ei politicosi spun "vai, ce frumos", cand de fapt au citit cel mult o propozitie din tot textul...
Nici titlu nu stiu sa pun la post-ul asta. Totul e aiurea...
Ce imperfecta sunt: repet obsedant cuvinte sau expresii, textele nu se leaga, cuvintele sunt prea simple, nicio metafora, prea multe intrebari...

Si totusi [trebuie sa scap de acest "si totusi"], am ceva de spus...

"As zambi in continuu daca nu as arata asa ridicol"

Pentru ca da [si "pentru ca" e folosit prea des..], totul e pana la urma [am mai spus "pana la urma" o data] asa frumos...

Si uite o idee de post. To be continued...

Post Scriptum: se termina prea brusc, nu? Si nu sunt decat baliverne...ce conteaza?

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Balada ursului de plus

Eu sunt ursuletul ei de plus. Ce ar putea sa zica un urs de plus? Ei pot spune multe, ei stiu totul...ei sunt cei imbratisati cand oamenii sunt acaparati de singuratate...Noi suntem cei lasati pe raft, prafuiti, dar singurul refugiu intr-o zi rece.
Ea sta acum cu castile pe urechi si isi scrie gandurile. Asa face mereu cand simte ca o doboara plictiseala. Acum m-a luat si m-a pus langa ea, pe birou. Pot sa vad ce scrie de aici! Cuvinte simple, dar potrivite pentru a-si descrie trairile. Ma da un pic la o parte pentru a tasta...Inutil...
Are un tic cu bretonul ala care ii sta mereu aiurea. Si are o anumita expresie cand scrie. Ofteaza. Se uita la mine. Ce placut e sa privesti oamenii cand isi asaza gandurile pe hartie. Tin pixul in mana de la jumatate, de parca ar fi cine stie ce mari scriitori! Se opresc, asa, din cand in cand, strang din buze, se joaca cu pixul, privesc in gol. Asa face si ea.
Acum taie o fraza. Cum poate sa fie un gand gresit? Se uita la mine...Ce sa scrii? Nu stiu...scrie de libelule, doar ai facut o adevarata pasiune pentru ele! Da, ii plac libelulele! Sunt singurele insecte...dragute!
[Gata, nu mai scrie. Acum sta si se uita in gol...a inchis ochii.]

Nu mi-am dat niciodata seama ce frumosi sunt oamenii cand dorm. Parac ai sta o eternitate sa ii contempli, sa te strecori in visele lor... Nu-i asa ca atunci gasesti milioane de motive pentru care ii iubesti?...

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Island in the sun

My mood today: blue, but quite content.
Song: Weezer - Island in the sun
Reason for posting it: I like the song, it's quite jolly and it matches my current mood. [ :-" ]

Hip hip
Hip hip
Hip hip
Hip hip

When you're on a holiday
You can't find the words to say
All the things that come to you
And I wanna feel it too

On an island in the sun
We'll be playing and having fun
And it makes me feel so fine
I can't control my brain

Hip hip
Hip hip

When you're on a golden sea
You don't need no memory
Just a place to call your own
As we drift into the zone

On an island in the sun
We'll be playing and having fun
And it makes me feel so fine
I can't control my brain

We'll run away together
We'll spend some time forever
We'll never feel bad anymore

Hip hip
Hip hip
Hip hip

On an island in the sun
We'll be playing and having fun
And it makes me feel so fine
I can't control my brain

We'll run away together
We'll spend some time forever
We'll never feel bad anymore

Hip hip

We'll never feel bad anymore
(No no)
We'll never feel bad anymore
(No no)

Monday, June 25, 2007

Tarziu in noapte

Am intitulat acest post semnificativ "Tarziu in noapte" din pricina situatiei mele actuale. Este...[ma uit la ceasul din perete]...2 si jumatate a.m.
Ma gandesc...Observ ce scris mai matur am, in ciuda neglijentei el aratand bine. "Ca agenda unui student", zic eu. Ma apuca in toiul noptii, la lumina oarba a ventilatorului oprit. As vrea sa simt racoarea noptii...nimic, doar zapuseala.
Am lasat cartea ["Sinuciderea fecioarelor"] ca sa scriu. Cred ca vreau sa imi amintesc de aceasta noapte stranie. Dar ma opresc...
[Aud vocile oamenilor de afara]
...cred ca nimeni nu este interesat sa citeasca astfel de post-uri...poate altadata.
Voi continua, poate dimineata, de data aceasta la calculator, band dintr-un pahar de Cola rece.

Song: Skillet - Yours To Hold [You will see someday that all along the way I was yours to hold.]
Vita de Vie - Praf de Stele

Monday, June 18, 2007


Doar 3 poze....voiam sa arate frumos post-ul :D

Jhivago [nu Zhivago, poate e varianta in romana...dunno]


Dj Sonia

Nu se asculta, se simte

"Glasul tau astupa glasul ratiunii
Ma simt nemuritor in infinitul fractiunii de secunda"

Da, m-am indragostit de abia acum de aceasta trupa. Desi o formatie romaneasca [spre eterna mea uimire], au reusit sa emotioneze.

"Si minte cel ce spune ca n-a simtit nimic din ce-am cantat.
Inca n-am aflat daca putem schimba lumea,
Dar vom incerca."

Si acum probabil va veti da ochii peste cap si veti considera acest post inutil, aiurea....
Si totusi cum sa treci pur si simplu peste aceasta trupa? Este un semn ca mai exista speranta pentru muzica romaneasca! Poate vor fi ei pe scena data viitoare, nu fetita aceea proasta cu o curea in loc de fusta. Poate tinerii vor aprecia si ei in sfarsit muzica de calitate...

"Stii si tu ca ne flutura vantul dupa cum vrea
Uneori nu simt pamantul sub talpa mea;
Si-atunci mi-aduc aminte c-am invatat sa simt fara cuvinte...
VeritaSaga nu se-asculta, se simte..."

Vad o speranta, dar si o alinare. De ce sunt versurile atat de profunde?

"...handicapati emotional, am incercat sa exprimam ce am perceput mental..."

...Si am invatat sa spun ce simt prin cuvinte....

"Culoarea ce iubeste sufletul meu e culoarea ochilor tai..."

Macar am gasit un ideal, un mod de viata, o alinare, o alta lume unde cuvintele devin lacrimi...

"Mi-aduc aminte lucruri pe care nu le pot exprima-n cuvinte,
O imagine cu un univers format doar din noi doi
Lumea peste care acum cad ploi d amintiri,
Cuvinte, atingeri, priviri...."

Sunday, June 10, 2007

A Perfect Moment In Life


E atunci cand tii o mana mai calda in mana ta, in frig. Si o ninsoare alba, alba....ninge frumos. Atmosfera aceea dulce de Craciun! Si o caciula groasa cu ciucuri care sa te apere de vantul rece, dar placut. Sau poate ii dai caciula, caci iubesti vantul in par, inrosindu-ti urechile...
Sunetul pasilor pe zapada care scartaie...La un moment dat intri intr-un local care miroase a cafea si vanilie. Comanzi ceai. O cana de ceai si o ceasca de cafea pe masa. Scoate un stilou negru, elegant si te intreaba ce ar trebui sa scrie in felicitarea de sarbatori. Ii spui sa nu scrie cu mintea, ci cu sufletul. Apoi privesti pe fereastra. Ninge...ceaiul aromat si fierbinte, caciula cu ciucuri si mana calda...perfectiune.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Bucati de suflet [sau doar niste aiureli...]

E trist ca traim intr-o lume falsa si pentru a ne adapta sfarsim prin a fi falsi noi insine...
E trist ca multi zambesc in timp ce altii plang...
E trist ca fericirea este temporara...

Si totusi, de ce trebuie sa fim ca ceilalti? De ce in sufletul nostru dorim sa iesim atat de mult in evidenta, sa fim cel putin la fel de buni? Ce e rau in a fi unic, in a fi diferit? Conteaza atat de mult sa gandesti ca si persoanele din jurul tau? E trist! Nu e mai frumos ca fiecare sa aiba obiceiurile sale? Sa mearga, sa respire, sa vada, sa auda, sa simta totul diferit? E mai placut sa vezi pe cineva cum bea altfel decat tine, cum accentueaza diferit aceleasi cuvinte, cum atinge lucrurile...Si asa se naste afectiunea, iubirea poate, prin completarea defectelor si calitatilor noastre....Prin faptul ca suntem diferiti...

Nu a contat prea mult, am spus doar ce gandesc. E prea trist faptul ca suntem zilnic stresati de praful lor...Si ei nu spun nimic, pana la urma...Tacerea lor ar fi cu mult mai galagioasa....

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Flori si caiete sau "Despre fericire"

Sad mood. Blue [not Bloo] mood. Depressed.

De ce se rupe fericirea atat de repede? Nici nu apuci sa o tii in brate ca se frange...atat e de fragila. Chiar si o bucurie micuta, micuta se rupe..fuge de tine...
Si in fond ce e fericirea? O stare de bine permanenta? Sau sentimentul de siguranta si satisfactie?...Asa oricine poate spune ca e fericit: Orice are o familie, un camin...Si totusi de ce suntem tristi? De ce dam o lacrima pe un zambet?...

Fericirea e o dimineata racoroasa de mai, senina, dupa ploaie. Un cearsaf cald, alb, un pahar cu apa minerala...Si linistea...Atat de liniste incat se aud bataile inimii si respiratia...Si o lalea in vaza, pe noptiera. Si o mana in aer jucandu-se cu aerul...Apucand o alta mana...Doua maini jucandu-se in aer...

Fericirea e un zambet, dar si o lacrima. Este o mutra trista, o silueta, un suflet.

[inspirat de E.M.I.L - O mie de dorinte]

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Blogs - latest hot things, must own one!

It was called Internet! Everyone had to own this power! Then came the Messenger/Hotmail IDs. Modern people always stay in touch, therefore all Internet users were obliged to have one. Then came hi5 - a very subtle dating service: easy and you could brag...And now!...We give you...BLOGS! Latest technology where you can present the world your own ideas! Your thoughts for everyone to read!...

Oh well, since I already have one, I'll try writing some intriguing stuff... :-?